I'm using an older iMac G5 (PowerPC) with Firefox and MacOs 10.5.8. I no longer am able to watch video clips because Firefox recently auto-updated to 3.6.24; is there an older version of FireFox that would work with my PowerPC, and where do I find it
I used to be able to watch video clips off a streaming website, but it's been getting more difficult and now it no longer works. I suspect that my older Power PC G5 Mac is not compatible with the newer Firefox version of 3.6.24. I suspect that if I used an older version of Firefox with my system, I could get back to watching video clips. Would this work, and if so, where can I download an earler version of Firefox that would be compatible with my Mac and MacOs 10.5.8?
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You might want to consider extending the lifespan of your G5 by using a different operating system. I put Lubuntu on a G5 recently and it runs the newest Firefox just fine. Lubuntu (pronounced Loo-boon-two) is sort of an Ubuntu lite - a user-friendly version of Linux. There are many applications to choose from, and it's all free.
The PowerPC I did this on was one of the old Bondi Blue ones. Firefox had no problem running on it at all and has all plug-ins needed for video, audio, etc.. I gave it to a church and it's running fine for them.
You can download old versions of Firefox, but you'll just open yourself up to security problems if you do.
FYI: The Mac operating system is built on Linux.