"Stop running the script?" error after power-up and before starting Firefox
I have a Windows 7 x64 Enterprise system with Firefox 10.0.02. I'm getting the error
'Stop running this script?
A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive'
after I power up my PC, but before I open Firefox.
The error message, of course, does not identify what "this page" is, or tell anything about the script. The error message doesn't even say it's from Firefox (or Internet Explorer, for that matter).
I've done a virus scan, a spyware scan, and an adware scan, but the error keeps popping up.
Everything I've found on the web about this error assumes the problem is with Internet Explorer, but I don't use IE.
所有回复 (10)
Do you have something like the Weather Channel Desktop that starts up with your computer? Sometimes startup apps can give this error, without ever opening up a browser window.
Start/All programs/Startup has only McAfee Security Scan Plus. After power-up, clicking on Show Hidden Icons lists Sound Effect, McAfee Total Protection, Spybot-SD Resident, Ad-Aware, and a flag labeled "Solve PC issues: 1 message".
If I click the flag, it opens Windows Backup Troubleshooting Options. The message is "Check your backup settings. Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved". There are two options -- Change backup settings and Try to run backup again.
This is because I do not usually have the external herd drive I use for backup attached. I ignore this message.
Also, Sql Server 2008 R2 and Oracle 11gR2 start up, along with IIS. I use this PC for various courses.
FWIW, I've attached screen grabs of the Services and Processes from Windows Task Manager.
Actually, startup items are handled by the Microsoft Configuration utility (msconfig). http://netsquirrel.com/msconfig/msconfig_win7.html
However, this doesn't seem to be a Firefox issue, more likely something with some Application you have that is using a script in the background somewhere.
Is there a script (chrome) URL mentioned as the cause of that problem?
Can you also attach a screenshot of that pop-up?
There was no URL (Chrome or otherwise) in the error display, just the highlighted text in my initial post. Not even a heading on the display.
I don't have a screenshot to attach. Good news, bad news. I will attach one asap if/when the error pops up.
I tried Tylerdowner's suggestion and ran msconfig. I turned off Apple Push, QuickTime, and Adobe Reader and Acrobat manager. What's left is RealTek Sound Manager, Spybot - Search and Destroy, McAfee Security Center, Java Auto Updater, and McAfee Security Scanner.
Here's hoping . . .
Hi, cor.el.
I just got the Stop running this script? error (yay!). I've attached the screen shot.
Just for fun, I looked in the event viewer. It looks like something called gupdate had some "issues". According to Google, gupdate is an automatic update program for Google products (like Chrome, which is the only Google product I have/know about). Or, it's a Trojan. Again, a screen shot is attached.
If that's causing the problem, it seems the only way to get rid of gupdate is to either deinstall all Google products or to perform some rather complicated hacks.
gupdate, this is what I could find. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/startups/GoogleUpdate.exe-25026.html. It appears to be legit. If you go back into MSCONFIG, then Services, and disable the google update service, does that help?
(FYI, at this point, this really doesn't look like a problem with Firefox).
We'll see . . .
I disabled gupdate (and gupdatem) in msconfig, then shut down my PC. I just powered up my PC and got the bleepty-bleeping error again.
The only thing I can think of at his moment is that I watched stuff come up in the "Show hidden icons" display, and around the time Spybot-SD Resident and/or Ad-Aware popped up, the "Stop running this script?" error popped up. Coincidence?
Any point in looking in the administrative tools??
That first screenshot show a generic Web Browser error message that is most likely coming from your security software.
Do you see any web browsers running in the task manager when you get that pop-up?
What happens if you set another browser as the default browser?
You can also try this utility from Sysinternals.
- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx Process Explorer