I have an ebookbrowse toolbar icon right next to my homescreen icon. I cannot figure out how to remove/uninstall this. Please advise.
I accidently visited the ebooks browse site, and apparently the site installed its own toolbar buddy in firefox. I cannot figure out how to remove it. Please help
所有回复 (6)
hello, please try to reset firefox - this should address the issue...
Go to Firefox, Add ons then click to remove the ebook toolbar
I have been using this site since last week. Already I have created account & downloaded few books from this site. such as: http://ebookbrowsee.net/graciliano-ramos-vidas-secas-livro-completo-pdf-d295847530 http://ebookbrowsee.net/gdoc.php?id=295847530&url=953a80b8be3e13a0087a0c923b5b133d there's no need to install toolbar. I just clicked the download button, then its regularly downloaded. you can check it, if you want. I think you do not need to install or uninstall something. On the flip side, it is not any host server, it works as search engine.
Still I have been using this ebookbrowsee.net from many days. Even today I have download this book: voiceless haveyouseenthisgirl pdf pdf which URL: http://ebookbrowsee.net/voiceless-haveyouseenthisgirl-pdf-pdf-d480095686 in this case there's no need to install any thing. If really happened, as you claimed, just click on the Tools menu top of your browser, then click on the add-ons then extensions & disable. that's all. I hope this information will be helpful to you.
Actually the ebookbrowsee.net is working as search engine. There is no work to install anything. I think you the host server ask you to do & you install anything. how ever. to remove add ons from mozila firefox. click on the tools menu of Browser then click on the add-ons feature. But I did not fell in this situation ever. I have been using this site for many days.