How to prevent a grey warning traingle is shown?
Whenever a Google Map is part of a secure page (by SSL), the grey traingle is always there, even when the iframed map is also set up by a secure connection. I tested with this script:
<div class="google_map_homepage"> <iframe width="400" height="242" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://www.google.nl/maps/ms?hl=nl&msid=216176779880634345449.0004f483cb176d09d40bb&msa=0&ie=UTF8&t=m&ll=33.137551,7.03125&spn=148.423647,298.828125&z=1&output=embed"> </iframe> <br/> </div>
How to change and prevent the grey triangle is shown?
所有回复 (2)
Can you show a screenshot of what you mean by the grey triangle? Stackoverflow.com may know the answer to this question:
if there is a shield icon to the left of the "Site Identity Button" (globe/padlock) on the location bar then that indicates that mixed active content is blocked.
If mixed passive content (e.g. images) is present then Firefox shows an exclamation mark to the left of the "Site Identity Button" (globe/padlock) on the location bar.
You can also check the Browser Console and the Web Console (Firefox/Tools > Web Developer) for errors.
See also: