Cannot access my.yahoo.com
Recently my.yahoo.com changed. I can access it on my android browser, but not on FF. FF keeps saying the site is trying to redirect in a way that will never end (or similar). Any idea what to do?
Thanks Mitch
所有回复 (9)
Hey Mitch,
my.yahoo.com loads fine for me. Can you take a look at this and see if it resolves your issue?
You also might want to clear the cookies only for that site. Follow the steps below:
- Firefox button > Tools > Privacy > Remove individual cookies
- Remove the yahoo cookies.
Sorry, I was not clear. The problem in on my phone, using FF for android. On my phone I can access the website if I use the stock android browser, or chrome. Not FF though. I have cleared the cache and all data, and uninstalled and reinstalled. Still not working.
Oh, okay.
Can you shoot over your troubleshooting information by going to about:support and clicking copy raw data to clipboard then pasting it here?
This information will list all of your extensions, modified preferences etc.
From my phone?
makman, yes troubleshooting information can be accessed from Firefox for Android by navigating to [about:support]
Here you go, thanks:
{ "application": { "name": "Fennec", "version": "28.0.1", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Mobile; rv:28.0) Gecko/28.0 Firefox/28.0", "supportURL": "http://support.mozilla.org/1/mobile/28.0.1/Android/en-US/"; }, "crashes": { "submitted": [], "pending": 0 }, "modifiedPreferences": { "browser.cache.disk.capacity": 204800, "browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run": false, "browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max": false, "browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value": 143360, "browser.search.suggest.enabled": true, "browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone": "28.0.1", "extensions.lastAppVersion": "28.0.1", "network.cookie.prefsMigrated": true, "storage.vacuum.last.index": 0 }, "graphics": { "numTotalWindows": 1, "numAcceleratedWindows": 1, "windowLayerManagerType": "OpenGL", "windowLayerManagerRemote": true, "adapterDescription": "Model: DROID RAZR, Product: XT912_verizon, Manufacturer: motorola, Hardware: mapphone_cdma, OpenGL: Imagination Technologies -- PowerVR SGX 540 -- OpenGL ES 2.0 build 1.9.RC2@2139099", "adapterVendorID": "Imagination Technologies", "adapterDeviceID": "PowerVR SGX 540", "adapterRAM": "", "adapterDrivers": "", "driverVersion": "OpenGL ES 2.0 build 1.9.RC2@2139099", "driverDate": "", "webglRenderer": "Imagination Technologies -- PowerVR SGX 540", "info": { "AzureCanvasBackend": "skia", "AzureSkiaAccelerated": 1, "AzureFallbackCanvasBackend": "none", "AzureContentBackend": "cairo" } }, "javaScript": { "incrementalGCEnabled": true }, "accessibility": { "isActive": false, "forceDisabled": 0 }, "libraryVersions": { "NSPR": { "minVersion": "4.10.3", "version": "4.10.3" }, "NSS": { "minVersion": "3.15.5 Basic ECC", "version": "3.15.5 Basic ECC" }, "NSSUTIL": { "minVersion": "3.15.5", "version": "3.15.5" }, "NSSSSL": { "minVersion": "3.15.5 Basic ECC", "version": "3.15.5 Basic ECC" }, "NSSSMIME": { "minVersion": "3.15.5 Basic ECC", "version": "3.15.5 Basic ECC" } }, "userJS": { "exists": false }, "extensions": [] }
It is an issue with Yahoo's website.
- Firefox asks for the my.yahoo.com site
- Yahoo says it moved to m.yahoo.com/myyahoo
- Firefox asks for the m.yahoo.com/myyahoo site
- Yahoo says it moved to my.yahoo.com
- repeat until Firefox gives up because Yahoo servers are creating a loop
I have opened a request with our mobile site compatibility team. They are unable to directly fix the issue. However they will contact the site administrators to request a fix.
Thanks for the reply. Why doesn't this happen with my other mobile browsers?
Only Yahoo knows what their server code is. Though it is likely the result of poorly designed user agent sniffing.