Mozilla forced Brendan Eich out so I've dumped Firefox. How do I tell them this?
Mozilla's obvious disregard for the First Amendment in forcing out Brendan Eich has left me with no alternative but to eliminate Firefox from my 4 home computers, 2 laptops and 2 servers, as well as recommend to all my clients they remove it from their systems. By showing your contempt for all us that support traditional marriage you display a highly intolerant and hateful corporate atmosphere.
I have been recommending Firefox for years. Looks like it's time for Chrome.
所有回复 (2)
Hello captain57, thanks for taking the time inquiring about the issue instead of just silently turning your back on us. You might spare a minute or two to go through these bits of information trying to clear up a some of the misconceptions that are flying around. Unfortunately some media outlets will rather publish sensationalized stories generating many clicks and increased revenue by ads than perform the most basic fact-checking:
If it were for Mozilla Brendan didn't have to leave - we would like nothing better than to rehire Brendan. In fact, we didn't want him to leave in the first place. However it was his personal decision to resign among all this ongoing frenzy, threats and mischaracterization of him as a person and the Mozilla community coming from third-parties, in order for the constant bombardment to end and to avert any further damage to Mozilla and its mission that he helped build for so many years.
So in this sad process we have lost a co-founder and brilliant technical mind and now the "other side" of the political spectrum comes along, again quite misinformed and rushing to judgement, bashing our community and voicing calls for boycotts against our products. This is quite sad & Mozilla has not deserved to be in the middle of all of this. Our community exists to protect the Web by promoting openness, innovation and opportunity and is no battleground to fight culture-wars upon...
Thank you!
I received a Private Message from thecaptain57:
If you had a place we could post messages to corporate you wouldn't get so many off-topic posts
I'll post my reply here.
Discussion about Brendan Eich, who recently resigned as Mozilla CEO, is off-topic for the Mozilla support forum. See Mozilla Support rules and guidelines:
* Posts in the Mozilla support forum must be either questions about the use of Firefox, Firefox for Android, Firefox OS, Thunderbird, Webmaker or answers to those questions. Users who post about things other than Mozilla support will be directed to an alternative discussion place (ex: mozillaZine) if appropriate.
The mozilla.governance forum would be a better place for any further discussion about this topic. The Google Groups link is https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mozilla.governance