Firefox 29 is horrible,the back button is connected to the url bar,the stumbleupon toolbar keeps dissapearing,Noia 4 does not work anymore,...how is this an imp
Firefox 29 is horrible,the back button is connected to the url bar,the stumbleupon toolbar keeps dissapearing,Noia 4 nolonger works,ect...how is this better?put it back the way it was or you are going to loose even more people,I use firefox because I can customize it the way I want to.If customization goes...I go too!!!
所有回复 (4)
You can look at the Classic Theme Restorer extension to restore some functionality that was lost with the arrival of the Australis style in Firefox 29.
- Classic Theme Restorer: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/classicthemerestorer/
See also:
- https://support.mozilla.org/kb/learn-more-about-the-design-of-new-firefox
- https://support.mozilla.org/kb/how-to-make-new-firefox-look-like-old-firefox
- Tabs On Bottom:
https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/tabs-on-bottom/ - The Addon Bar (restored)
I could not agree more. FF29 is a kluge breaking everything that was working in 28
I want my FF28 back
I cannot download classic theme restorer or ANY addon
Sync doesn't work either,the whole thing is garbage,the developers don;t even want to continue updating their apps either.I have used this browser since the begining but this last update is total crap.This makes me really angry !
So, can those of us with older versions just keep using them, or by doing so do we leave ourselves open to security breaches?
Security is the main 'nag point' that updates of every stripe bother us with when a new version of browser / software / etcetera is released.