url is not valid and cannot be loaded on local pages
I receive an Alert! message when loading local pages from my computer. This is just a nag screen to me in that the page always loads, but I must click ok to remove the alert window.
This only applies to my local pages on my own drive: file:///home/donald/xxx.html
所有回覆 (4)
How are you opening the pages?
Are you double-clicking the file in a file manager to open the default browser or via other ways?
Does it also happen when Firefox is already running?
Normally I open local pages I compose myself with Dolphin (Open page in browser icon) but even when I ctrl/O or File/Open File - I get the same results, e.g. an alert message that I must click OK to remove. I have tried: clear history, clear cache, override auto cache management (on/off) w/same result. I'm out of try-dis and try-dats that I can think of. Normally I will already have a browser window open when I try my local pages. These pages are nothing special. I compose them as a sort of organized notes pages that have info and links w/o searching Google again.
You can try Safe mode, and, if it helps, disabling extensions to see if one them causes that.
由 Aleksej 於
Disabling all extensions did not do the Trick, but while testing disabled and enable extensions, one at a time I had a local page open that did not show the Alert!
It turns out that every page which prompted the Alert! had a meta tag of: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=http://" <="" p="">
Mark as Solved, and thanks to all who responded,