I have a group and it works, but unable to locate the group for edits.
The addresses that I originally set up in the group are saved in the group since by entering the group name in the address field all the addresses are entered into the mail. Problem is that I cannot find the group for editing purposes. I thought the way was to go to contacts on the left and find the group there....no such group listed. Thanks, Ken
All Replies (7)
Just a little more info and clarity: Under "Contacts" only most used contacts and total contacts are listed, no groups, although I have several other groups. Ken
Hi Are there no answers? I still have the problem and need to fix it. Thanks, Ken
guessing that your question is about Thunderbird - so moving it from Firefox support to the Thunderbird support queue
Since there is no such thing as Groups in Thunderbird I will assume you are looking for a Mailing List that you created in one of your Address Books. When you open the Address Book window do you have the Directory Pane showing? If not turn it on by going to the menu bar and selecting View-Layout-Directory Pane
Any address book that has a Mailing List in it will either be showing the list as a sub-folder or have a small pointer beside the address book folder. If the sub-folder tree is not showing click the pointer to expand the view.
Then again since you are using terms like Contacts and Groups are you even talking about Thunderbird email client?
Hi I am using Gmail and Firefox. Ken
Then you need to ask gmail how to use their applications.