NPAPI plugin
I currently use Fedora 21 as my base system and when I use Firefox it seems to crash or randomly flicker on the screen. Once Flash is disabled I belive it fixes it but not sure why flash would cause the flickering to happen. If you need any more information I would gladly provide it.
Can I also ask Is there any status updates on using Pepper flash because it seems to me I would possibly want to move over to Chrome because of the latest flash support. Its interesting that I don't have any problems with Chrome and it just works.
Thanks, Brian.
All Replies (6)
Mozilla has no plans to use the Pepper Flash that Chrome uses on any OS.
There is a experimental freshplayerplugin wrapper on Linux to use the Pepper Flash from Chrome in Firefox.
Hi James,
Is there a specific reason why Pepper Flash is dropped (I would like to get some insite on this)? Can you possibly answer my 1st question as well?
To answer your 1st question the most likely either a video driver problem and a degradation of the no longer Adobe supported flash binary used on modern web sites. any extra info you can give on that (video driver, webpages etc. would be helpful) also following these steps may also help https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/adobe-flash-plugin-has-crashed
As to pepper flash, one reason that was given was at the time and currently there is next to no documentation on PPAPI (what Pepper flash uses) and that to support PPAPI for one plugin is a huge waste of resources. This could change if there is an interest shown by developers to implement this and documentation becomes available but Google and those who worked on pepper flash have shown no interest in doing this. and many NPAPI plugins still exist. Shumway is the Mozilla attempt to replace flash in the long run.
Tyler Downer has replied to a thread you're watching. Here is their reply:
Hey all, Just an update. A 0day exploit has been discovered in Flash, and below. Adobe has released an update to which fixes this issue. All users should update to the latest flash immediately. It isn't known how far back this hold exists, but at this time assume all versions are affected.
Um Fred you do realize he is using Linux and no Windows or Mac was mentioned right?.
Adobe has a security update for Flash 11.2 at same time which was at https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/distribution3.html as previous update on Jan 13 was
Thanks guys for explaining it to me. Right now I think I be moving over to Chrome until something merges over to Firefox long term (I like having flash updates). As of right now its only when I use FF it randomly has issues with the 32' display and it seems it might be because of the out of date flash.
You guys have a great day.
Thanks, Brian.