I send emails to a friend in Germany and he recieves it all garbled?
THis is what my email friend recieves when I send a normal email.!!!!
Hi Brian I still can't read your e-mails but I thought you might want to read this at least https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/cow-corner/-missing--poster-in-australi a-risks-upsetting-england-ahead-of-world-cup-081128576.html Enjoy!
Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: brian Trivett mailto:Scrappa@gulftel.com Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Februar 2015 15:00 Betreff: Fwd: Will I Live To 80?
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All Replies (1)
There is nothing garbled in there. What you posted are the headers of your original message. You didn't post the message itself.
Why your email friend has chosen to display all headers I don't know. You may tell him to switch that off.
In any case, how is this related to Thunderbird?