How do I stop receiving junk mail
I get 20-25 spam mails every day or two. At one time someone advised me on filter use - it worked for a while and then didn't, Too many of the email addresses change one or two characters each time so the filter probably wouldn't work even if I could set it up. Can someone advise. Thanks.
All Replies (6)
You might try getting a gmail account, which automatically filters the spam out for you. Personally, I find the Priority Inbox pretty effective at only showing you the really important and not "junk" mail, as long as you train it right (by marking things important when they are, and not important if they mistakenly got flagged as important by the system).
Not really a firefox question, though.
Some e-mail providers have an option to sort incoming mail. Check with your provider.
Go here and register for protection for your e-mail and phones; The National Do Not Call Registry
I think the email part of that link is The National Do Not Call Registry
I have the same problem just junk e-mails in outlook anybody know how i can stop them must be at least nearly 50 a day I keep blocking them but it doesnt seem to help much
FredMcD said
Some e-mail providers have an option to sort incoming mail.
Check with your provider.
Go here and register for protection for your e-mail and phones;
The National Do Not Call Registry