Кодировка при отправке письма из контекстного меню "Send to"
При добавлении вложения через контекстного меню "Send to" в теле письма и теме появляются проблемы с кодировкой. Как с этим бороться?
All Replies (5)
Antchernov said
When you add an attachment through the context menu "Send to" in the body of the letter and subject there are problems with the encoding. How to deal with it?
Besides using the latest version of TB, 60.6.1, you may have to adjust the registry to make the Send to command work with filenames that have non-ASCII characters:
Спасибо! Помогло!
My first reply was posted before I saw your pictures, so the issue doesn't appear to be due to filename characters. Perhaps updating from TB 38 to 60 affects how the message body is encoded, or maybe it would help to change the Text Encoding setting in Tools/Options/Display/Formatting/Fonts & Colors/Advanced to Unicode (UTF-8) for Outgoing Mail.
60 версия вообще не отправляет с контекстного меню. Ваш первый совет отлично помог.