Can I configure the built-in password generator?
Is there a way in Firefox to configure the passwords that it generates automatically?
Currently it seems to produce passwords that contain only letters, but half the time that is unacceptable to whichever site I'm on, so I have to tweak it.
I am using a plugin which does allow me to configure the password, and what I have found works most of the time is this:
At least one upper case character At least one lower case character At least one digit At least one special character, but not including these: |![]{}<> Length: 14
All Replies (4)
What I do is place my fingers on the keyboard and randomly press a dozen keys. I then go back to include upper/lower/number/symbol.
The built-in Firefox password generator is very basic and only allows to generate a password with alphanumeric characters and numbers (a-z,A-Z,2-9; not: 'lo','IO','01' to avoid confusion) and doesn't include symbols. You will have to include symbols yourself in the generated password and possibly fix the length.
- 1548393 - Generate a digestable password, free of ambiguous characters [68]
A shame the issue is closed - there was a promising comment saying that symbols would be considered later.
I wonder what the prospects are for configuration options in the future?
Please check also bug 1686071. Under the "signon.improvedPasswordRules.enabled" preference there are some additional rules to meet password criteria, at least for popular websites.