Why does firefox set targeting cookies to inactive by default?
Having just deployed a new OneTrust cookie compliance solution on my website, in the setup I have set the Performance, Functional and Targeting cookies to be 'on' by default.
The very odd thing - to me, in any case - is that no matter what I do, i cannot get firefox to allow targeting cookies to be set as 'on' by default.
Image attached for illustrative purposes.
The settings function perfectly well in Chrome and also in Edge. firefox is the only browser that these targeting cookies will not display as 'on' in by default.
I am guessing there may be something that i may have set my side.
All Replies (3)
Guess that's a 'no', then.
No, it's probably an I don't know. I am not familiar with OneTrust, nor do I know what "targeting cookies" are but it seems Firefox won't have them. You could file a bug report.
No, it is a no.
Firefox does not 'have' cookies.
Not my problem in any case. browser manufacturer wants to balls around with legally required cookie technology that is their problem