recommendations on amazon.co.uk page is reported as an cve 2009.3555 error on firefox 3.6
firefox 3.6.3, amazon.co.uk: attempting to scroll through customer recommendations, now reported as error cve 2009.3555, will not load, despite full cookie removal and restarts/reloading. location of error: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Survival-Dead-DVD-Alan-Sprang/dp/B002VD5S6K/ref=pd_ys_home_shvl_14#
and any other similar page on amazon.
URL of affected sites
All Replies (4)
That message is meant for webmasters to make them aware that they need to fix their servers. Firefox 3.6 versions can detect such a misconfiguration and displays a warning in the "Tools > Error Console".
ok. is amazon.co.uk likely then to make the alteration to this flaw, which it clearly is, for firefox 3.6.3 ? it doesnt happen on 3.6.2. or do we wait for firefox to alter this?
Amazon Recommendations "blink" on, then disappear. I also have the problem of other sites not being able to go to descriptions windows within the site, or being blocked from further navigation.
If the images show and then blink out, you need to change the settings (tools->page info->privacy->show images). worked for me.
The "rate this item to improve recommendations" is still missing. Disabling the Addblock plugin completely is the only fix that worked for me. DK if it's adblock or the filters I'm using (fanboy list and easy list).