washington post crossword website takes too long to load
everytime I go to the Washington Post interactive Crossword webpage. It takes several minutes for the page to load otherwise if you click on the page while loading it hangs or crashes FF 8.01. I have installed and uninstalled Java v7.02 and replaced with Java 6 v30 and the problem still continues. I also ran in safe mode. no difference. In Google Chrome it works perfectly and fast. I have had the same issue in other websites that uses Java but not as bad as this particular website.
everytime I go to the Washington Post interactive Crossword webpage. It takes several minutes for the page to load otherwise if you click on the page while loading it hangs or crashes FF 8.01. I have installed and uninstalled Java v7.02 and replaced with Java 6 v30 and the problem still continues. I also ran in safe mode. no difference. In Google Chrome it works perfectly and fast. I have had the same issue in other websites that uses Java but not as bad as this particular website.
All Replies (1)
Can you check this issue at Firefox 9?