back button skips several pages
google classic back button does not take me back to previous page as it's designed to do...instead, it skips several pages. This has never been an issue in all the years I've used Firefox/Google. I am not alone in this problem as indicated by searches/forums....please provide information and/or a fix for this seriously annoying error. thank you
All Replies (3)
Need a lot more info to be useful here. Please list the exact steps to reproduce the issue.
Search Google for subject I'm researching, (example: waterbeds), select a link, after reviewing hit back button and it goes to previous page (original search). Search another subject, (example: waterbed heaters), select link in 'searches related to at the bottom of page' (example: hard side heaters), after reviewing hit back button and it goes to original search (waterbed heaters) instead of back to link for hard side heaters. Is my explanation understandable?
I am unable to reproduce using those steps. Maybe someone else can...