What can you do if your computer is too old to update your browser?
I am running MAC 10.4.11 OSX therefore the system itself does not have the capabilities to upgrade to the new Firefox, and /or hotmail. Nothing comes out correctly and I am not that it can make my system unstable. What can I do to help fix this situation? Please do not tell me to buy a new system unless you are offering one. Thank you everyone, as I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works. Stay safe with "Sandy".
All Replies (5)
TenFourFox is an up-to-date third-party build of Firefox that runs on Mac OS X 10.4.
Given that plug-ins for older Macs are outdated and contain security vulnerabilities, TenFourFox doesn't support them. Workarounds are described here:
I also have an old mac osx 10.4.11 and I love it, it does everything I need it to do, it's about 7 years old and I'm nearly 62, so who's "vintage", here (that's what the mac store fella called my computer!)? Honestly, how can I be a green ol' gal and keep a tool that works beautifully if Firefox outdates my system? Please help, I have Sophos anti-virus and take good care of this modern tool, in my luddite way........ ¡muchas gracias!
You can use either TenFourFox or Camino, both of which are "Powered by Mozilla" and use much of the same code as Firefox uses.
BTW, Apple stopped support for OSX 10.4 long before Mozilla did.
ideato wrote:
see also : camino http://caminobrowser.org/
If the point is to have a modern browser, then Camino isn't going to cut it. It still uses Gecko, the rendering engine used in Firefox 3.6.28.
brosearth wrote:
Please help, I have Sophos anti-virus and take good care of this modern tool, in my luddite way........
Having an anti-virus is good, but it doesn't change the fact that the last security update for Tiger was published over 3 years ago, and all browser plug-ins that run on Tiger are also outdated and insecure.
In any case, if you want an up-to-date version of Firefox, use TenFourFox. OmniWeb and iCab are other browsers that are up-to-date and still work on Mac OS X 10.4.