Firefox for Android
Firefox for Android
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In order to use all the latest features and keep your information safe and secure, it's a good idea to update to the newest version of Firefox for Android. Firefox for Android lets you know when an update is available through Google Play, but you can also check it manually using the steps below. Follow the steps below to find out what version you're using, and ways to update it if needed.
Check your version of Firefox
- Tap on the menu button The template "androidmenulocation" does not exist or has no approved revision., and then (قد تحتاج إلى النقر على أولاً) .
- Tap on the , followed by . The version number will appear underneath the Firefox logo.
Update through your phone's marketplace
The easiest way to update Firefox is through your phone's marketplace. Your marketplace will usually indicate whether or not Firefox is out of date and prompt you to update it.
Google Play
- Open Google Play on your device and tap on the menu at the top left corner of the screen.
- Tap on to see your list of installed apps. Your list will tell you which apps need to be updated.
- Firefox for Android will appear in the Updates list, if there is an update available. Tap on it.
- Tap on the
- Tap permissions message to complete the update. on the
If Google Play is not available in your region, update Firefox through the appropriate app marketplace in your country.