Firefox 136 broke my custom new tab page, how do I fix it?
I'm on Linux. I've been using this method to setup a custom new tab page for Firefox for almost 4 years, and it has worked great:… (read more)
I'm on Linux.
I've been using this method to setup a custom new tab page for Firefox for almost 4 years, and it has worked great:
Navigate to /usr/lib/firefox.
Create autoconfig.cfg:
// var {classes:Cc,interfaces:Ci,utils:Cu} = Components;
/* set new tab page */ try {
Cu.import("resource:///modules/AboutNewTab.jsm"); var newTabURL = "file:///home/james/ff/index.html"; AboutNewTab.newTabURL = newTabURL;
} catch(e){Cu.reportError(e);} // report errors in the Browser Console
Create defaults/pref/autoconfig.js:
// pref("general.config.filename", "autoconfig.cfg"); pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); pref("general.config.sandbox_enabled", false);
However, upon updating to Firefox 136, I only get a blank page. All of my autoconfig files still exist in /usr/lib/firefox.
When I create a new tab with Ctrl+T, it's a blank page. When I create a new window, it loads the local page I want it to load with the file path in the URL (which it never had before; the URL bar was blank in Firefox 135). So it seems to be partially working.
Any tips?