Why did you HATE FREEDOM OF SPEECH so much???
I work in the entertainment industry I have many gay, bisexual and lesbian friends and co-workers. My family has also served our country since the Civil War to Protect free speech! I loved Firefox and USED to use it as my primary browser, NOT ANY MORE!!! I will NEVER use your products again!!! When Americans are penalized for their thoughts we ARE LIVING IN A COMMUNIST/FASCIST state!! Im sure they could use your help in Russia or the Arab states! Oh yea, gays are ILLEGAL in Russia, Iran and MOST of the Arab world!!!
All Replies (1)
Locking issue unrelated to helping a user with Firefox. If you wish to provide feedback please use https://input.mozilla.org/en-US/feedback
There have been many misinformed things said by the press in the recent days. I suggest looking over https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/04/05/faq-on-ceo-resignation/ and/or http://blog.gerv.net/2014/04/your-ire-is-misdirected/