I really need to use Endnote for my academic work and I can't install it, and I'm being sent round and round and round trying to find a solution PLEASE help me
I really need to use Endnote for academic work. I'm on a PhD programme - this has to happen! I can't get it to install. I know you're trying to protect me, but I can't overide it. I am being sent over and over again to the same pages, with no solution. I need to collate hundreds of citations and my tutors want Endnote. I'm not a computer expert, and I need clear simple guidelines on this please. Endote's own instructions suggest that it's possible to get it working, but it doesn't.
All Replies (3)
Hello carolinekaye, the only way to install in firefox an unsigned add-on is to use(install) Firefox ESR version 45.x, or Developer Edition or Nightly firefox version.
definitely see : What are my options if I want to use an unsigned add-on?
i suggest the Firefox ESR version 45.x, but if you want to keep your current version and to open the esr version together with the current release/version of firefox, your 49 release, you need the portable firefox esr version.
thank you
Just to clarify, are you using Endnote, the product from Thomson Reuters:
And you're looking for a Firefox add-on to send data to that tool?
I haven't tried it myself and judging from the reviews for the Endnote extension, it hasn't been working for several years: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/endnote/reviews/
Maybe the Endnote user community has come up with something else in the meantime. I suggest asking your tutors how they are doing it.
The University of Manchester has a training session on this which I will now attend. All the signs look to me as though the extension is a current thing given the dates on various sites. I have my account set up and working with Thomson Reuters, I just need to be able to use it with Firefox because that is usually my browser of choice. The instructions given suggest that there is a way to override the Firefox ban. I'm not a particularly technical person, so when it didn't work and I was being sent round in circles - that's the time to ask someone! But thank you for taking the time to help me. I appreciate that.