Addon to visit a specific website every xxx minutes (not reload!)
Hello :-)
I searched allready along time in the addon-section but haven't found what I need yet. So I thought the best would be to ask here! :-)
What I need:
I need an addon kinda simular to the autorefreshing ones. BUT I need something where I can input an url (f.ex: www.google.com) & set a time (f.ex: 30 minutes) and then the tab should visit www.google.com every 30 minutes. Not refreshing. It has to visit it again like when you type in the adress into the adressbar and push enter.
Autorefreshing tools dont do what I would like to because they refresh the current tab. The website I need this for automaticly forwards you to other pages so the wrong page would be "refreshed" I need a total new visit to start the webpage from the beginning on again.
I hope its at least a bit understandeable what Im looking for ^^
Thanks if someone knows what I mean and has an addon for me!!!
All Replies (2)
Nor for committing click fraud, hopefully.
The Windows Task Scheduler can be set up to perform tasks at regular intervals. The URL can simply be dispatched to your default browser and should open either as a new tab in the last active window or as a separate new window. Information on how to use the Windows Task Scheduler likely can be found through a web search. For example:
Thanks for the answer. The fact that Im not englisch and I didnt even know that the word "schedule" exists ^^ new things are learned. Well looks kinda interesting and sounds good. But aswell a bit complex - maybe a simple addon exists?
I would like to use this not for click-fraud, I have a Ebay based website where I setup a script to autobump my sales but sometimes it gets stuck and switches to a different website without a reason - and due it has to run on its own without me, I'm not often at the computer myself to revisit the correct website.