Bookmarks with Сyrillic tags are not displayed
Since version 63, Mozilla has stopped showing bookmarks that are tagged with a Cyrillic tag. So I had to use the old version of the browser (62). Now the old version does not start and I was forced to install 67.0b13 (32-bit). The problem is still not fixed.
Could there be a reason that I use the English version of the browser?
- Firefox Quantum 66.0.3 (32-bit)
- Firefox Developer Edition 67.0b13 (32-bit)
- Windows 7, system language - Russian
An gyara
All Replies (5)
I don't read Cyrillic, so I need help figuring out what is going on. For example:
has the word "fast" as
When I check a translator, I get this variant:
The first one fails as a tag, the way you describe, and the second one works. Can you see a pattern there or with other examples?
Hello, jscher2000! Thanks for your help.
It seems to be a problem in letter case.
I created a few more bookmarks to check the pattern you described. Each bookmark have two tags: the first in English, the second in Russian (translated version).
If the first letter of the tag in Russian is lowercase, the bookmark will be displayed. If the tag in Russian starts with a large letter, the bookmark is not displayed.
When I rename tag (from Птица to птица) and restart browser, bookmark displayed. The problem with Cyrillic tags is observed in all versions of the browser that I checked this weekend ranging from 61 to 66.
fast / быстрый - OK question / вопрос - OK bird / Птица - FALSE
An gyara
Thank you for checking that!
I don't think it's intentional, because Latin tags can be in either upper case or lower case. More like someone messed up the search function that finds the matching tags.
Could you file a bug? This is the bug tracking system site:
Done https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1547801
I have never created tickets before. Sorry if I did something wrong.
An gyara
Everyone has a first time! Hopefully it's something easy to fix.