Accidentally hit a key, Inbox messages started deleting, now Trash full of empty emails all dated 12/31/99 7:00pm. Can I recover these?
Accidentally hit a key, Inbox messages started deleting, now Trash full of empty emails all dated 12/31/99 7:00pm. Can I recover these? I lost 130 most recent emails from Inbox, about a month's worth. Very odd!
-- Steve O.
All Replies (3)
Correction: they're dated 12/31/1969 (see image)
Does anybody monitor this forum?
Looks like you have a gmail account set up as a POP account.
The reason for the weird date is because the date header info was lost. You could have a corrupted file.
You should be able to redownload the gmail emails assuming your pop account is set up to leave messages on server. Try info at this link: https://support.google.com/a/answer/6089246?hl=en#zippy=%2Chow-does-normal-mode-work%2Cre-downloading-messages-and-excluding-existing-messages