How do I disable info links?
I find mouseover "info links" that pop up these little information windows to be extremely irritating. Some pages are so densely populated with these things that moving my mouse will invariably pop unwanted stuff. I have tried addblock, and it generally works to filter commercial content, but really, I am not out to eliminate the adds, I just want to take control of MY browsing experience, and get my blood pressure under better control. I read a lot of articles on academic sites and such, where terms and definitions are often hyperlinked, and the mouseover popups can make reading tedious.
Is there some about:config setting or settings file that I can tweak to control this insane behavior? Maybe I am wrong, but in addition to the annoyance, I view mouseover popups as potential automatic malware launchers, and do not appreciate this unsolicited behavior whilst browsing.
There seems to be a conspiracy of silence on this topic - google links on the topic seem to lead to deleted posts. IMO, this does not seem to be an unreasonable thing to ask from a customer perspective.
All Replies (7)
You can look at Adblock Plus: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/1865
You need to subscribe to a Filter list (e.g. the EasyList): http://adblockplus.org/en/subscriptions
See also Adblock Plus forum: https://adblockplus.org/forum/
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- Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
Update the Flash plugin to the latest version.
An gyara
I've used addblock before. It is a fine product that performs its stated function well, BUT... it is continually pestering me to update, it blocks content I don't want blocked, and it delays my browser launching on a daily basis to download updates. Anyway, been there, done that, didn't like it.
In any case, most of the sites I find annoying do not link to external advertising sites - they are just excessively hyper-linked with these annoying "info links". When I fly over these stupid "info links", they pop up and won't go away until I click somewhere else in the page. I am getting carpel tunnel syndrome just closing the darn things.I would not mind it so much if they would vanish when my mouse exited their hot field. It seems like this could have been executed better.
What I am really after is a tweak to Firefox to improve the behavior, not a plug-in. I really don't want to do something as draconian blocking all adds - the folks who place the adds need to make a living too, and some of the ads are actually useful. I just want to require a click before something changes my focus or pops unwanted content up over what I am trying to read. Does this make sense to you?
Its easy and for blocking Infolinks you just need to waste 2/3 minutes. You can see How to block infolinks If you face any problem then please reply here]
As I have already stated above ..... "I've used addblock before. It is a fine product that performs its stated function well, BUT... " read above....
I am looking for a native solution to this problem, not another "Swiss army knife" plug-in that does everything but what I want. What I Really Want is the ability for me to modify the behavior of infolinks to simply not pop up on mouseover. I actually value the links, but I insist on qualifying them with a click to launch them.
<begin rant> I find stuff that hijacks my focus distracting and OFFENSIVE. The users of these infolinks should know that I am offended every time that one of them pops up when I accidentally fly over one. I consider it to be a personal insult that they put so low a value on my browsing experience. I have a long memory for this stuff...<end rant>
Unless addblock has been changed recently, I doubt that it will do what I want.
Thanks for listening...Anyone from Mozilla care to comment?
You can hide content via code in the file userContent.css
See http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=564572
Hi there,
Am I too late to reply? Hope not. 'cause I think I've successfully blocked the infolinks using addblock plus.
I must say something 'bout that add-on first. You mention you get sick and tired of the constant updates. Well, you don't have to subscribe to those lists. You can add advertiser links as you go, and you'll find that you'll get less and less ads bleeding through. However, you will never be able to block them all. But 90% sounds good enough to me...
Now back to the main problem: Infolinks!
They irritated me too, so I set of on a search for a solution. And even though I didn't find the solution directly, I managed to create on for myself. And so far it seems to work. It just depends on wether infolink.com remains the only provider of these parasites or not.
What you do is the following:
Manually add a filterrule to your filterlist by opening your AddBlockPlus preferences and klik "'Add Filter...
In the textbox that opens up you add the following text:
This should stop both plain- as well as ssl links
Don't forget the asterisks, they are crucial as wildcards. Whenever they change anything that stands at the position of this asterisk, like adding numers to it, this will still work.
If you ever find there are other infolink provider, you just repeat this trick.
Hope this helps...
Ballie, u have my most utmost respect and gratitude!!!