swift key input does not work in search block have to change input method to Dragon dictation prior to using .
Typing an entry into search block cause Swiftkey app to FC. I have to change my keyboard input method prior to using Fire Fox on my phone to Dragon Dictation. This is a hazel. when long pressing on any other browser in search block you can change input method not so in fire fox! Need to make the all keyboards work with this. I have 5 different keyboards on my phone I use 1 which is swift key , 3 do not work at all swipe will only allow letters a no numbers & swift key the one I always use FC's. I really like how fast this works and the ability to sync with my desk top. but It is a hazel to change my key board every time before I open fire fox to use it.
All Replies (4)
Sorry, this is a known bug with no fix available yet, but the makers of SwiftKey are aware of it and we will work with them to fix it: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617298
For now, the only solution is to use a different keyboard when using Firefox.
Thanks for let me know that it is a know issue Hopefully it gets fixed however the fixing in Fennec of input change does make it easier to adapt when using firefox and being in other apps because Swiftkey is in my opinion the best keyboard in Android.
A fix for this bug will be included in the next version of Firefox, which will be available in a month or two. You can help us test the fix now by downloading a "Nightly" or "Aurora" preview build from this page: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android
when i first got swiftkey it worked just fine. However now it's stopped working again. I've contacted the people at swiftkey regarding this. Please fix it as Firefox is a better browser than the stock browser.