My qustion is below Please help
I have already sent this info. When I try to open Firefox, a panel appears saying Unresponsive Script or similar. "A script on this page may be busy or it mayhave stopped responding." Script: chrome//tavgp/content/libs/include.js:595 I have registered with Firefox and received an email by return. Now I am getting a message saying something is wrong with my Firefox account!
All Replies (3)
That is the toolbar that AVG adds to Firefox:
Script: chrome//tavgp/content/libs/include.js:595
It is AVG's responsibility to test their toolbar and update the Firefox versions with which it is compatible which they failed to do during the many weeks of testing Firefox 5 before release. All developers know how to access the release schedule for new Firefox versions and how to obtain the test versions of Firefox to test their add-ons to the browser. Some are laggards and don't bother to keep their paying customers happy. Your AVG is still functioning, just the toolbar added to Firefox is causing a problem. Disable the toolbar and contact AVG to inquire about their plans for an update.
- http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Uninstalling+add-ons
- http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Cannot%20uninstall%20an%20add-on
If AVG's toolbar checks sites and warns you about potentially harmful sites, Firefox has a built in function that also does that. The sites that you are warned about may be different due to different methods or databases used. See:
An gyara
Many thanks, although I have not followed the course of action yet. JW
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