Why have all of my contacts have disappeared. Worked just fine yesterday.
All of my contacts are gone. Tried to send an email this morning and when I typed the recipients name it did not autofill. Checked my address book and it is totally empty. What happened and how do I get this information back?
Tutte le risposte (2)
Try this: Do you have an addon called MoreFunctionsForAddressBook,
if no then download addon from this link - scroll to bottom:
To install addon: download ,xpi file to eg: desktop In Thunderbird Tools > Addons OR menu icon > Addons click on gear wheel icon and select 'Install addon from file' locate the file you downloaded and click on 'Open' You may need to restart Thunderbird
That addon has an option to recover deleted contacts. In Address Book: right-click on the address book in the left pane (Directory Pane), select MoreFunctionsForAddressBook/Recover/Restore, and follow the prompts. After you restart TB, there will be a new address book, with a numeric name, containing the recovered contacts. Move contacts to other address books by drag and drop.
This did not fix the problem. I just went ahead and imported my old address book again. I will just have to update addresses as I go, I guess. Can you tell me what happened and why? Very strange that it just disappeared. Thanks for trying to help!