Latest update causes bad return key function when composing
The 45.0 Tbird update that changed how the return key functions when composing messages (i.e. it now adds a blank line) also has this odd operation: When editing at the end of a sentence, hitting return inserts a blank line ABOVE the current line, and places the cursor at that insertion point.
I have had this happen many times,
When I'm editing a line and and finished and want to get to the end of the sentence, I hit the "end" key. Then when I hit Enter, the about action takes place.
Tutte le risposte (3)
This change is documented in the release notes.
You can turn if off under Options-Composition-General in the HTML section.
Modificato da user01229325 il
I understand that I can turn off the return key causing an extra carrier return. The problem is that sometimes, as described previously, the carrier return is inserted ABOVE the current line, instead of below. :-)
The return key works as expected for me. Restart with add ons disabled to see if you have one causing problems. You do that under the Help Menu.