Best alternative(s) to FireFTP?
I really like using FireFTP. However, since it won't be compatible with Firefox 57 in Nov 2017, what is the best alternative(s)?
I tried using four free alternative FTP clients today: ClassicFTP, WinSCP, Cyberduck, FileZilla.
My first choice (and one I will be using) is ClassicFTP because of its' simplicity and similarities to FireFTP. My second choice would be WinSCP. The other two have lots of extras that I don't need and thus make them more complicated to use.
Below is a May 9, 2017 post by Mime Cuvalo, who designed FireFTP, about the "legacy" of FireFTP. It can be found at the bottom of the page at: https://github.com/mimecuvalo/fireftp/issues/192
mimecuvalo commented on May 9, 2017: "Development on FireFTP is slowing down since Firefox is dropping support for it in version 57 later in the year. Hence, motivation for working on it isn't the highest currently. I'll probably be porting FireFTP at least to PaleMoon so that the extension survives. Cheers! Mime"
Modificato da beek il
Soluzione scelta
beek said
Thanks for the replies and links.
My pleasure !
I've narrowed my choice down to Cyberduck or FileZilla for a replacement of FireFTP.
Both sound like a good choice - a case of 'eeny-meeny-miny-moe'
maybe ?
Tutte le risposte (13)
I'm considering Classic FTP, WinSCP, Cyberduck, and FileZilla. I'm leaning towards the simplicity of Classic FTP... any thoughts to share?
Maybe this will help you decide :
So I guess you mean that FireFTP won't be upgraded to work with that version?
I don't see any indications to that effect, on their website: http://fireftp.net/
Where did you hear about this?
Thanks for the replies and links.
FireFTP is labeled "legacy" meaning it will not be compatible with the November 2017 Firefox 57 upgrade.
I tried using four free alternative FTP clients today: ClassicFTP, WinSCP, Cyberduck, FileZilla.
My first choice (and one I will be using) is ClassicFTP because of it's simplicity and similarities to FireFTP. My second choice would be WinSCP. The other two have lots of extras that I don't need and thus make them more complicated to use.
Modificato da beek il
Soluzione scelta
beek said
Thanks for the replies and links.
My pleasure !
I've narrowed my choice down to Cyberduck or FileZilla for a replacement of FireFTP.
Both sound like a good choice - a case of 'eeny-meeny-miny-moe'
maybe ?
beek said
FireFTP is labeled "legacy" meaning it will not be compatible with the November 2017 Firefox 57 upgrade.
But how do you know the authors won't upgrade?
Happy112 said
brynn2 saidWhere did you hear about this?Scroll down here :
That's nothing official. That's a proclamation from some random user, as a review. Someone else asked about it (again, as a review) but there'a no answer from the author (or anyone).
I read a post somewhere by the creator of FireFTP that it would not be making the transition to Firefox 57... I'm disappointed too, as I've been very happy with using it.
Since FireFTP will not be compatible with the Firefox 57 upgrade in November 2017, I tried using four free alternative FTP clients today: ClassicFTP, WinSCP, Cyberduck, FileZilla.
My first choice (and one I will be using) is ClassicFTP because of it's simplicity and similarities to FireFTP. My second choice would be WinSCP. The other two have lots of extras that I don't need and thus make them more complicated to use.
@beek and Brynn2 :
Maybe this will be interesting to both of you :
Here is the May 9, 2017 post by Mime Cuvalo, who designed FireFTP. It can be found at the bottom of the page at: https://github.com/mimecuvalo/fireftp/issues/192
mimecuvalo commented on May 9, 2017 Thanks for letting me know about the problem - I'll take a look into it. It seems it's because of some img links on the page that have 'ftp' in them but that shouldn't cause FireFTP load. Not sure why that would happen. Development on FireFTP is slowing down since Firefox is dropping support for it in version 57 later in the year. Hence, motivation for working on it isn't the highest currently. I'll probably be porting FireFTP at least to PaleMoon so that the extension survives. Cheers! Mime
OWNER UPDATE 9-28-2017:
After using ClassicFTP for a while, I stopped and uninstalled it. It is "free" for non-commercial use. However, if you are not extremely careful about clicking the annoying pop-up use notice each time you log in, then you are automatically shuffled to having to pay for it before you can continue to use it... and there is NO going back to "free" once you've made the mistake (can't even re-install it)!
So, I switched to WinSCP and am now a very happy camper. : )
Based on the earlier suggestions, I also installed and began using Classic FTP a few weeks ago. But today--to my complete surprise--the app notified me that my trial period had expired, so in order to even open the app (to retrieve my settings) I would need to pay either $40 for an unlimited license or $25 for a license limited to three websites. I had thought it was a free program. I feel like I was deceived when I opted to install and use it. If it has indicated that it was only a limited trial period, I would not have installed it.