How can I print a list of files in a Windows 7 folder using Firefox?
I have 2072 media files in a folder (Family Tree Maker Software) I need to review the files to ensure that there are no file names that contain the symbols "/ ? \ | : as those symbols apparently cause problems when I try to sync from my Family Tree Maker on my laptop to Ancestry.com .
Is there anyway to identify those symbols in the files names in my folder using a search method?
If not, how can I print the detailed file names and dates they were added to the folder so that I can manually search through them?
Please help! Thanks, MrsMop1039
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Hi, This is Windows issue but this is the answer for you : https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/how-to-perform-an-advanced-folder-search-in/42351987-f595-4a5a-bdaf-0f9680c9b566
If wanting to print click a file in the folder one to highlight it then use keyboard CTRL+A then Right Click and Print.
Please note your running version 61 and your 2 updates behind current version 62. Go to Help --> About to update.
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
You can use a command prompt window to get a directory list and redirect this list to a file.
Hi MrsMop1039, none of those characters can be used in a Windows file name, so you probably do not need to check. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/fileio/naming-a-file#file-and-directory-names