Plugin container for Firefox hangs without any error.
Every time when I enter a web page (https://news.sina.com.cn/), plugin container for firefox starts and firefox freeze without any error. I have to use "end task" to kill the process. I've re-installed Adobe Shochwave player. But it does not fix the problem. How to fix that problem?
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I have no issue with that link. It did have a odd load and if I waited the paged loaded up. So what does it do before it freezes?
Sina is a Chinese news website. I don’t have problem to load the page. I keep Task Manager open so I can see FireFox. Expand it, there are about 5-6 tasks. As soon as I see Plugin container for Firefox loaded, the web page freeze. I end the task, than web page unfreeze. Sometimes Plugin container for Firefox loads again and web page freeze again. After the second time kill the Plugin container for Firefox, it’ll be fine. I did some tests: 1. I created a Delete folder and move plugin-container.exe and plugin-container.exe.sig in Mozilla Firefox to that folder. I’ll not have freeze problem. But I cannot watch any flash player video. 2. Put these two files back. Open Sina web page. Before it loads Plugin container for Firefox, I click on a video link. Plugin container for Firefox get loaded but web page is not freeze. I can watch the video news. After I close the video news, web page freeze. So I believe that Plugin container for Firefox has no problem with Sina web page. It has problem with some Ads. I use AdBlock so I don’t see pop-up ads, But somehow (at least) 2 ads still load Plugin container for Firefox.
I update Firefox to version 65.0 today. But "plugin container for firefox starts and firefox freeze without any error" problem is not fixed