better than saying "Something is wrong" or "Firefox is broken"
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Be nice. Our volunteers are Mozilla users just like you, who take the time out of their day to help. Be descriptive. Saying "Playing video on YouTube is always choppy" will help our volunteers identify your problem better than saying "Something is wrong" or "Firefox is broken".
Subject: Which topic best describes your question?
How can we help? "Something is wrong" is comucation my comp
Tutte le risposte (2)
lisek1942 said
"Something is wrong" is comucation my comp
Hi, can you add more details about the problem? For example:
Does Firefox load or does it not even get to the home page?
Does this message appear when you try to visit a specific page, or for all pages?
Let us know anything else you think might be related to the problem.
Note: Because Windows XP and Firefox 52 do not support modern security standards, it is possible that some sites will not allow you to connect or sign in.
Here's a link to your question for quick reference:
Current Firefox releases require Windows 7 and newer. Users on Windows XP and Vista have been moved to the Firefox 52 ESR version.