Private browser closed on its own. Launching new and toolbar bookmark area empty, both private and regular browser.
Desktop 121.0.1
A private browser closed on its own. A new private browser launch and the toolbar bookmark area is empty. A regular browser launched and still the toolbar bookmark area is empty. The bookmarks are not erased, they just are no longer present in the toolbar bookmark area.
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Go into Customize mode and drag "Bookmark toolbar items" into the bookmarks toolbar. Alternatively, click the "Restore Defaults" button in the bottom-right corner.
I had gone in there. I did not find customize at first, but did locate it. That area where the folders were supposed to be, showed to me that they were 'still' supposed to be there. I did not think to include a screenshot of that.
Though before reporting, opening and closing private and regular browser windows, all remained empty. After, and I mean right after submitting....the next private browser window opened and all the folders were present. I didn't report that, in hopes to understand "WHY" that occurred & how to rectify if ever happened again (never seen this issue before).