JavaScript async functions that are used from a static resource in Salesforce doesn't work
Hi Firefox team
I am Yuki belong to Electronic company IT department. We have a project to implement salesforce for customer facing and target to go live by end of this July. we are facing one issue related with firefox and salesforce.
<issue detail> Our salesforce have customized serach founctions. this search function doesn't work only in firefox browser(Edge, Chorme is ok). we can send input data from salesforce to search, however search result doesn't appear.
<current situation> we were investigating this issue with salesforce. we found this article : https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/lwc/guide/security-lwsec-async.html >When LWS is enabled, JavaScript async functions that are used from a static resource work in Chromium-based browsers, but don't work in Firefox currently. The issue is a bug in Firefox.
<requet to firefox team> Would you solve above bug?
if yes, I would like to know the timeline if no, I would like to know the reason why you don't solve.
<reference info related with LWS of salesforce> https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.exp_cloud_lwr.meta/exp_cloud_lwr/template_differences_locker.htm https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.exp_cloud_lwr.meta/exp_cloud_lwr/template_differences_locker.htm
Tutte le risposte (3)
Hi, try to ask directly in this bug about the timeline.
hi TyDraniu Thank you for replying. I'm sorry that I don't know much because this is my first time asking you this question. this bug was opened 4 years ago ,and it is still open. How cshould I request to solve this bugs to whom?
Yes, it doesn't look very active. Try to respond in a bug, Devs and Component Owner should receive your question, they usually answer.