Displayed emails
bold text Previously I put the mouse on bottom of very long list and pushed them up until I had a workable IN BOX list. They were not lost they kept the displayed list the same as I deleted emails after reading.
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Not sure what the problem is - you state what you used to do, but not what the problem is.
You do not manually move - push emails up and down. They auto display in a given sort order determined by your 'Sort by' settings. You can alter then on the fly by clicking on the relevant column header, twice if necessary to reverse the sort. You can enable and disable threading. You can filter eg show only unread mail by using the 'Quick Filter' icon for show unread mail. Click on same icon again afterwards to remove filter and revert back to default.
Via 'Menu bar' toolbar. View > Sort by > eg: Date, descending, unthreaded
If no 'Menu bar' enabled it - Menu app icon > View > Toolbars > select 'Menu bar'
Maybe by push up you mean this: You clicked on the right scroll bar and pushed it upwards to see a different section of emails in list. That may imply you get emails appended so newest is always at the bottom. That only works if you have a scrollbar and you only see scrollbar if there are too many emails in list to display in one view.
Do you see a scrollbar on the right side of list of emails ? Does your list look different - do you see one email per line or does each email take up 3 lines ? Are you using Table view' where you see column headers such as From, Date, Subject etc OR are you using 'Cards View' and you cannot see any columnheaders? What are your 'Sort by' settings.
You really need to state the actuall problem.
upload an image if it helps to explain situation.
Thanks for the reply Toad Hall,
Sorry I did not make clear my problem.
In the INBOX the list is over 1000 emails and the latest emails go from the top of the screen to the bottom. The earlier ones are above the screen and can be accessed by the scroll bar.
In an earlier version I could click and hold just below the latest email and move the list holest bolest up till the whole list and the latest email is kevel with the bottom of the email header. This action is similar to how you can change the width of various panels in most programs. I hope this makes my problem clear.
Regards Barry White
So you get newest emails appended to the bottom of the list. You use : View > Sort by > Date, Ascending, unthreaded ?
In an earlier version I could click and hold just below the latest email and move the list holest bolest up till the whole list and the latest email is kevel with the bottom of the email header.
Click and hold just below the latest when latest is at the bottom means you were clicking on the splitter which separates the list from the Message header area. Dragging that up just makes the visible list smaller/ have less height/show fewer emails and increases the size of the Message Pane. Only the splitter is part of a dragable section of code.
If latest is at bottom, but not visible and you need to scroll down to reveal it then pushing list up means 'scroll'. The only method of dragging was via the scrollbar.
Methods: 1. Use the scroll bar on the right - Either click on hold down and drag up/down. Now this is the area that is click and dragable. OR click on scroll bar and use mouse wheel OR clicking on the top and bottom 'v' chevron type icons to move up/down in small increments.
2. Use mouse wheel option on list: Click on an email in list to get focus in that area, then use the mouse wheel - forward and back to move/scroll list up and down. This scrolls the message list.
3. Use keyboard: click on any email in list and use the keyboard up and down arrows to move up and down list - this will bring into view any email that is eg: below and hidden You can also use the 'pageup' and 'page down' keys to move in blocks - block size depends upon number of emails in list and height of scroll bar.
But I've never heard of any ability to grab and push/drag any part of actual Message List. That function in code does not exist. Emails are sorted in a particular way. Clicking on and holding any email and attempt to drag in any direction means trying to move that email and I've never known that as part of the design.
As a heads up, I think they are working on the idea of been able to scroll left and right to show more column headers rather than be forced to make window very wide to see them. Thats' assuming you have a lot of column headers enabled.
In the INBOX the list is over 1000 emails Have you considered using your Inbox for incoming unsorted mail, like an Inbox tray used to be used in an office environment? Keeping a thousand emails in just one simple text file document is somewhat risky.
Suggest/Advise : Create some suitabley named folders and move emails from Inbox into appropriate folders for organising and storage. Folders such as 'Family', 'Friends', 'Clients', 'Hobbies', 'Bills', 'Online Orders', 'Thunderbird' etc etc.
Then you do not need to spend time on constant scrolling. After moving emails compact the Inbox to remove any traces of moved emails from the original file. This helps to tidy the file, help prevent corruption of file and reduces it's size. It also reduces the risk of having so many emails in just one text file. Should something happen to that text file then you might lose a lot of emails. If you have Anti-Virus scanning emails and files then never allow the AV to 'fix' anything - they do not understand that a single text document might contain hundreds or in your case a thousand emails.