When I opened Firefox today, I got weird sounds, like PacMan, and an ambulance siren, and I am unable to find a way to stop the noises. Cox Communications was no help, but the agent stated that he had heard the same sound yesterday when opening the Google
I have another kind of problem with Firefox
When opening my firefox browser page, I get a sound like an ambulance siren, and sounds that a tech at Cox Communications id'ed as PacMan noise. The tech also stated that he heard the same noise on the Google browser page yesterday. Any suggestions/solutions?
http://www.coolpreviews.com/firefox/issues_cp_ff.php disable the Cooliris Previews extension, then get an fixed version of that extension from the Cooliris website http://www.coolpreviews.com/
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
User Agent
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Tutte le risposte (14)
All day long. It appears to be from Google's website, but I never opened Google. I have turned the sound off. When I need sound I've returned to Internet Explorer
Cooliris Previews are aware of it have provided a fixed new version for it - Cooliris Previews Known Bugs
I have the exact same problem and it is driving me crazy. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!
Uninstall CoolPreviews mine stopped, in add on tap and they have a new version to download if you liked it.
Uninstall CoolPreviews mine stopped, in add on tab and they have a new version to download if you liked it.
same noise I'm having!!
They already bring their excuses: http://www.coolpreviews.com/uninstall/index.php?guid=947adf94-3d25-4fa9-ba5a-ad3fc679a06 6&version= direct update link: http://www.coolpreviews.com/download/rc/CoolPreviews_v3.1.0521RC2.xpi Or simply uninstall addon and go update manually Please, share this information worldwide! :)
Cool Preview is causing this maddening noise. UNINSTALL add-on! Worked for me.
I have the same problem
Maybe the answer is to turn off the computer, and NOT USE GOOGLE FOR THE REST OF THE DAY! STUPID CELEBRATION -annoyed and frustrated
Check this at the homepage of Cooliris-CoolPreviews:
That's the problem with the free addons for FF. I think than Mozilla-FF should not be blamed at all.
disable ur cool preview add on