After upgrading to 3.6.4 (english) firefox does not open
After upgrading to 3.6.4 (english) firefox does not open when I hit its button. I uninstalled it and reintalled it but the problem remains - My operating sys is VISTA 2 service pack. IE works Any suggestions?
Operating system
VISTA 2 service pack
Tutte le risposte (17)
Seriously. It's annoying. I even uninstalled 3.4.6 and installed a previous version--3.0 to be exact and then I browsed as a test, and I had no problems. I reinstalled 3.4.6, I couldn't visit any sites because it kept redirecting me to www.google.com for a reason unknown. I tried the updates option, no dice, gave me XML Malformed (200)...
Firefox couldn't find any add-on's, couldn't update anything. Bascially stuck with a Firefox update and can't even browse. Guess I will just wait until Mozilla does something. Hopefully they are aware of the situation. Btw, I reinstalled the update via option on the browser and from the Mozilla website. Same outcome. Errrr. First time I ever came across a problem with Firefox.
The 3.6.6 doesn't fix it :(
Version 3.6.6 is does not work for me. Still seeing the same problem. The process hangs at about 16K.
Same here trying 3.6.6. Hangs after the upgrade progress bar is displayed.
Any solutions?
The only solution is to stay with 3.6.3.
Sorry to say, but they destroyed a good browser with this new "plugin container". And I think is worthless. Because when a browser have problems with plugins, you need to upgrade the plugins. The fact that the browser crashes or not is irrelevant, so the plugin container does nothing. The only thing that this upgrade does is destroying Firefox.
I think the issue is related to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=574458
That could be related but I don't think it is. I had a new coworker install a fresh version of 3.6.6 on a freshly imaged vista machine. They had no add-ons installed. It did the same thing. We saw the process stop at about 16KB and just sit there. Same as my machine. I had them install 3.6.3 and it worked just fine. I think the problem has something to do with the way vista is setup.
I just tested tried to use Firefox 4.0 beta on my machine and does the same thing as 3.6.6. The only difference being it allocates around 19K of memory then just sits there with no GUI.
The same with 3.6.7. Any solutions from Mozilla?
Anyone tried with 3.6.8?
The same issue with 3.6.8. Maybe it's hardware problem?
What CPU, Chipset, Video you have?
Hi all,
Just a hint, maybe it will also help others. I had exactly this problem on 3 (from 120) PCs in my company and after a long investigation it turned out that an older version of TortoiseCVS was making all the problems. Just uninstalled it and FF works fine.
Cheers, DD.
Have the same problem. It happened yesterday (29th.8.) No matter what I do (clean reinstall, deleting all firefox folders, profiles, registry entries) it starts without window.
When I use process explorer to see what is happening, and klick to bring focus to firefox, it reports: Application does not have visible window.
I tried FF safe mode.. it starts the same (shown in task manager, cannot be seen).
I tried running FF in windows safe mode, same issue.
I tried installing FF beta 4.0 and the same issue.
I tried installing FF 3.5.11 and hurray!!! It works! I hope this glitch will be resolved soon.
btw, running Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
Modificato da Andromeda555 il
It's possible that after 3 months nobody has solved this problem?
This bug is present in all FF versions after 3.6.4.
We have to switch to Chrome or Opera or what?
Tell us, please.
Any news?