Pages display "differently" than in other browers. The text appears to extend beyond frames areas , some frames don't dispaly, some Buttons don't display, certain colors don't display. Being a deezer I run a Georgia style w/ 16 font. Is this factor?
IE & Chrome display pages "normally" but not FF. Ver 6.13 on XP DELL. Webpage appears different. Leaving out some buttons (often) frames infrequently, & few dropdwms. I compare pages to TE & Chrome & the stuff ain't displaying Started infrequently but as webpgs became harder to use & I subed IC or Chrome I knew by my eyes the data _ buttons, frames ETC were not being displayesd. I do run font 16 on all nut proprortional 14 & a min font 16. Is this a conflict?
Tutte le risposte (1)
You're better off letting web pages choose their own fonts and using the Page Zoom handle font size changes that you want.
Or, set a default zoom level using one of these extensions.
Default FullZoom Level extension:
Or the NoSquint extension: