meta-finder.com keeps taking over my home page
Whenever I close my mozilla firefox and click my icon again I get a new site with with nothing but http://meta-finder.com.
I spend all my day going to options and deleting the file. Then I get it every time I want to surf. I looked up the site and can find nothing of any help or good there.
Seems like I need to format my system AGAIN. This has become so much strain.
Thanks if you are able to help, Kenny
Tutte le risposte (9)
I had this same problem. Here's my solution. Search for these two files: "prefs.js" and "user.js", you will find them in AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles\.... then open file, search for "http://meta-finder.com" and then change it to "about:home". Save file. OK. problem solved.
Modificato da miniblack il
Where do you find app data Answer did not show
Modificato da gazoont il
hey mini black, I was suggested this as well, but where can I find this AppData ??
copy what is above open your start page that is at the left hand bottom of your computer, there should be a search bar not to far to the right in that search bar, paste everything that you copied into that bar a folder should come up and then you just execute it from there
hey Rayne, "AppData" or "Application Data" is a hidden folder. In Win7 it would be in C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\XXX.default\. In XP, it's C:\Documents and Settings\[your username]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\XXX.default\.
hi guys
i find the way to fix this problem by mistake xD i was ganna delete firefox from my pc and try to reinstall it again by using this program to remove firefox from all the system
Your Uninstaller!
when u run this program click on firefox and than use Auto fix
that ganna work %100 i did that and close firefox 2 times to be sure
and it's really work ^^
Modificato da sar2001s il
Solution for META FINDER as homepage:
go to start and type in ; 70ekaii3.default
enter the folder with either notepad or wordpad and locate the file named ;
user [ the type of file is JScript Script File (.js) ].
The contents determines your homepage. From there delete metafinder.com as homepage and insert your own. Example [ assuming homepage is google ] ;
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://www.google.com/"); user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://www.google.com/");
This should work.
When you say change do you mean rename or replace?? And when you say to change into http://meta-finder.com what is it you want to change?? Please reply it would really help me thanks
I meant replace "http://meta-finder.com" with "about:home", sorry about my English