Avoid creation of .part files for not started downloads
Hi, whenever I right click on an item and do a "save link as..." FF creates a .part file on the desktop (my regular download folder) even if I don't start and cancel the download at this point (the point where the app asks under which name I want to save the file).
The .part file stays afterwards, even after I quit/restart FF.
The same thing happens when I click on any download's link since I made FF ask where I want the files to be downloaded in the preferences.
I noticed this behavior some time ago (around FF5) and I didn't bother since I clean my desktop regularly, but it's getting a bit annoying.
Double question : - is this behavior normal ? - shouldn't it be more logical to create the .part file only if the download is actually started?
Perhaps useful info : I use OsX10.5.8 and now on FF14
Tutte le risposte (2)
Cool, a five years old bug... Impressive.
Thanks for the reply Aleksej.
What will happen now ? Nothing I suppose, since it's not an 'important' bug.