Is mozilla not supporting Java1.6 ?
I install Java1.6.0.41, Mozilla does not support its plugin. As it says Please upgrade your Java as Mozilla Does not support your Java version.
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Java isn't supporting Java 6 anymore. You need to update to Jave 7 update 17 or later.
Thanks Tyler for reply, but Oracle is still supporting Java 6 as Oracle is still back porting all the bug fixes . Yes, i agree that they have stopped any further development on it, but the haven't stopped the maintenance of it. Moreover i asked about Mozilla still supporting Java 6, as i need plugin for Java 1.6.
Oracle no longer supports Java 6,
"After February 2013, Oracle will no longer post updates of Java SE 6" http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html
Thanks for the information Tyler. I want Java6 plugin for Mozilla. Can i get it from anywhere.
The java 6 plugin is no longer updated, and using it leaves you computer vulnerable to attack. Use the most recent versions of Java
I agree, i needed it for a test case for my application. Anyways Thanks Tyler. Nice talking to you
You can find the latest Java version on the Oracle website.
See Java Platform > Java SE 7U17 and 6U43 (JRE Download)
I tried with Java6U43. But Mozilla plugin check page says "For safety Mozilla has disabled Your outdated version of java. Please upgrade to the latest version". The problem is Mozilla is not supporting Java6 plugins, due to security reasons.
To all the trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, brave, clean and reverent posters above with advice and links to adobe, above:
YouTube, for an example, WON'T RUN unless it detects the current/newest version of Adobe crapware. Adobe NO LONGER SUPPORTS Linux - meaning you CAN'T GET a current version of Adobe for Linux.
We are now caught in the adobe/flash/java, codec, & html5 wars. YouTube tells me to upgrade my flash, Adobe doesn't support Linux at all now (no updates that qualify for YouTube), and Mozilla doesn't support html5. Where does that leave us, if we don't like IE or Chrome?
opensuse 12.2 + Firefox 20.0
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