Trying to install the "Camelizer" add-on. Accept user agreement. Taken to page to select location of Camel icon. Problem: no button to "Continue
Trying to install "Camelizer" add-on. After accepting user agreement, I am taken to a page where I am to select the location of the add-on icon. http://camelcamelcamel.com/camelizer/first_run?browser=firefox
Problem: There is no way to continue after selecting a radio button. No "Continue" or "Enter" button. This page has nothing to allow me to move on from this page and continue the installation process. ???
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After accepting end-user agreement, a pop-up window "Software Installation" appears. I click on "Install Now." Computer does its thing. No error message. Pops me to page with URL above, which asks me to select which location I desire the add-on icon to be. I can select any of the three radio buttons, but there is no way to proceed. ??