Hyperlink in Email Corrupted
I sent an email to someone that had a hyperlink in it to my website: https://nitasweeney.com.
When the person received it, she clicked the hyperlink and her computer virus protection alerted her that the link was suspicious and not to click it.
When she replied to my email and explained this, I could see the full link.
What had originally been "https://nitasweeney.com" became this:
What even is that?
And why would a link to my website turn into a Substack link?
No wonder she didn't click it!
~ Nita
すべての返信 (9)
Can you post a screenshot of the source code of that email?
Return-Path: < ... @gmail.com> Delivered-To: ... @nitasweeney.com Received: from ph112.peopleshostshared.com by ph112.peopleshostshared.com with LMTP id 1og8LSM5rmJaTTMAu4Wd9g (envelope-from < ... @gmail.com>) for < ... @nitasweeney.com>; Sat, 18 Jun 2022 16:44:19 -0400 Return-path: < ... @gmail.com> Envelope-to: ... @nitasweeney.com Delivery-date: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 16:44:19 -0400 Received: from mail-vs1-f52.google.com ([]:45010) by ph112.peopleshostshared.com with esmtps (TLS1.3) tls TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (Exim 4.95) (envelope-from < ... @gmail.com>) id 1o2fIs-00E60f-3F for ... @nitasweeney.com; Sat, 18 Jun 2022 16:44:19 -0400 Received: by mail-vs1-f52.google.com with SMTP id j39so7120267vsv.11
for < ... @nitasweeney.com>; Sat, 18 Jun 2022 13:43:57 -0700 (PDT)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=gmail.com; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:from:mime-version:subject:date:message-id :references:in-reply-to:to; bh=0oqK0xPuIs4X3STMi5sTtploEFWCYsgHaiDZM7XonD8=; b=Vxfr/NoLylSVrpHqjsG0uuTjXT2Z0CA2IeepPnAm08ciDl/cX3snwTpx3oG5mxgJ0E Jzq4GS/eb5/qiJhLeJ9i/hXwc2Mv6PWrCDrewNMjiwjNGcmzEv7qvuaj5vqtEHZAclxl yAs3JL8f6Kaek7fmAUxyr1PvuTZzsJrxEPy86AsludFjiEbWH00fiVUJN6EZHhMtE6rb N0kH9UEalLlao/mMXv0tfHe7/V3UVHgBNtQMPMy6vFw9YMBtbI3esVO6iwTIOsoCRoCp GaF8hRGojqIQGJDA7cNPCjyZUxuiffWtSxldXa1YmPzAXa3bYVgg+iH2Tag61X5AnaaW lfKg==
X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=1e100.net; s=20210112; h=x-gm-message-state:content-transfer-encoding:from:mime-version :subject:date:message-id:references:in-reply-to:to; bh=0oqK0xPuIs4X3STMi5sTtploEFWCYsgHaiDZM7XonD8=; b=UrJ/nY6+3VVk36mXSiJqS1pCrj1Ayor7zW+Qpn+bO6qyC5nW2Ho0OEsopkSkkrkzP2 uWP5AkACeggy9paej5CZ9SIstJYl5+Uo1SHOe4IH925oO7gcHaEtXYufEqRksXnR8gKz 1fCg078qzqmUsXEJnWiROMsT9xXC6rtcTKBh+0KC9PlksWp03R+RtwJ6986rRka2sxiK //Ec0J6R4Z0ojl5qHcDrF2Y+iDnwJFD5RZ0/+FB1FcAhWRE5yedJ/2QcjIgBPG/6egj6 WMly6asjJmIsZWdqqmLSMw82tFGCkO0jO4RRJj9UA33S3nKMnmvOLJzT9nUGY6USfSoR pHmw==
X-Gm-Message-State: AJIora8XOJt5ETeU77zG3iwRs+5UVOlpUwUsEXHiZS8uYopGQqOQ5ppS uKUysDCJ9NueEz72GMjcRDNoMbOW06doPA== X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGRyM1tG6zjgrKdhg2WALPSMjYcbbrsaIFCL0KEvZL3CYab+bPTbzHTVXVeTR+TbGLCpbko0n2yd1g== X-Received: by 2002:a05:6102:5ca:b0:349:e97c:62a8 with SMTP id v10-20020a05610205ca00b00349e97c62a8mr6732451vsf.8.1655585016652;
Sat, 18 Jun 2022 13:43:36 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from smtpclient.apple ([])
by smtp.gmail.com with ESMTPSA id c36-20020a0561023ca400b0034b911d6fa8sm1123246vsv.4.2022. for < ... @nitasweeney.com> (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Sat, 18 Jun 2022 13:43:35 -0700 (PDT)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: Carrie Seidman < ... @gmail.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 (1.0) Subject: Re: A Pitch to FACEing Mental Illness Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 16:43:34 -0400 Message-Id: <CE29EEAE-6219-40DC-96C8-09611D864745@gmail.com> References: <20220614172742.582e6bb19b2d310c@mg1.substack.com> In-Reply-To: <20220614172742.582e6bb19b2d310c@mg1.substack.com> To: Nita Sweeney < ... @nitasweeney.com> X-Mailer: iPhone Mail (19F77) X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.2 X-Spam-Score: -1 X-Spam-Bar: / X-Ham-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system "ph112.peopleshostshared.com",
has NOT identified this incoming email as spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see root\@localhost for details. Content preview: Nita, Thanks for reaching out and sharing some of your story. While my podcast exists to share paths to recovery and well-being for all who live with mental health challenges — and not, primarily, a [...] Content analysis details: (-0.2 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0.0 URIBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DnsBlocklists#dnsbl-block for more information. [URIs: substack.com] 0.0 FREEMAIL_FROM Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider [carrie.seidman[at]gmail.com] -0.0 SPF_PASS SPF: sender matches SPF record -0.1 DKIM_VALID Message has at least one valid DKIM or DK signature -0.1 DKIM_VALID_AU Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from author's domain -0.1 DKIM_VALID_EF Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from envelope-from domain 0.1 DKIM_SIGNED Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid -0.0 T_SCC_BODY_TEXT_LINE No description available.
X-Spam-Flag: NO
Nita, Thanks for reaching out and sharing some of your story. While my podcast exi= sts to share paths to recovery and well-being for all who live with mental h= ealth challenges =E2=80=94 and not, primarily, as an promotional avenue for a= uthors, filmmakers, etc. =E2=80=94 it does sound like your story fits our pa= rameters. I tried the link you sent, but was warned by my computer virus pro= tection not to open it, so I didn=E2=80=99t open it. I=E2=80=99d be happy to=
have a short conversation with you by phone to discuss a potential intervie=
w. Feel free to call me on my cell anytime, XXX-XXX-XXXX and we can explore t= he possibilities. Thanks, Carrie=20
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 14, 2022, at 1:27 PM, Nita Sweeney < ... @nitasweeney.com> wrote: >=20 > =EF=BB=BFDear Carrie: >=20 > I've really been enjoying your "Conversations" since my long-time, dear=20=
> friend Susan Stasiak sent me the interview you did with her. I=20 > especially applaud your changes as difficult as they may have been. The=20=
> "new" title really resonates. >=20 > Full disclosure. I have a book coming out in August and am looking for=20 > outlets with audiences that resonate with my work. Yours seems like a=20 > great fit. If you choose to interview me, I will help promote the=20 > episode by happily sharing over social media, as would my publisher,=20 > Mango Publishing Group. >=20 > At nearly 50, after seeing the social media post of a high school=20 > friend, I began to run. I didn't think it would do much, but wow was I=20 > wrong! In a matter of months, I went from chronically depressed, nearly=20=
> suicidal, grief-stricken, and flabby, to much less of all of that. While=20=
> running didn't cure my chronic depression and bipolar disorder=E2=80=94I s= till=20 > need therapy and some meds=E2=80=94it transformed my life in unexpected,=20=
> fabulous ways. With my psychiatrist's help, I went from six mental=20 > health medications to one. I've since run a slew of races and among the=20=
> runners found a community I didn't know I needed. Most importantly, I=20 > went from a woman unsure she wanted to live to one who savors every day. >=20 > I recounted this journey in my award-winning running and mental health=20 > memoir, /Depression Hates a Moving Target/. And some of the story untold=20=
> there is revealed in my next book, due out in August, /Make Every Move a=20=
> Meditation/. >=20 > Becoming a published author and all that entails also turned me into a=20 > bit of an "accidental" mental health advocate. I enjoy sharing tips and=20=
> strategies that work for me, including movement, meditation, writing=20 > practice, and time with my husband and dog. >=20 > Find out more about me here: https://email.mg1.substack.com/c/eJxNj8FuwyAQ= RL_G3GrBQgw-cMilv1HB7tpBNdgCosh_HzenSnN8mjeDofO619M_G9evysd2CvLSAtookgcJICdl= lAVrYLw54ClGNUcgrSQORuZVje0ZWw_4O-KexcOTmdQyEyBBtI4Co4NgFkca3QRWi80_ej_aoO8D= fF8pqYf2Yi58_lWM4thb_0nkb7PWykxaVI-h1sRj40Q5lEu85pC2j_FD9_Ngf-yEoXXR_9-51tF-= wcUvATmVNac3GXxRBQ >=20 > Thank you for the work you are doing and especially for your time. >=20 > ~ Nita Sweeney > ... > Columbus, OH 43220 > ... >=20 >=20 >> On 6/14/2022 7:48 AM, Carrie Seidman from FACEing Mental Illness wrote: >> A Conversation with Melonie Mack >> Listen now | FACEing Mental Illness=20
/edited emails, address and phone# from public view
この投稿は James により
Well, that unwanted link is what TB sent, so there must have been an error in copying and pasting the URL into the message. TB doesn't, on its own, make such a switch. Solving this would require seeing the exact keystrokes that went into creating the message. Somehow, that URL was possibly embedded into your browser when you created the link - and that's just a guess. It would be difficult to resolve this, although I fully understand your concern on the wrong URL.
The email to which I replied, had been sent through Substack. That is probably the issue. I didn't yet have her gmail email. I'm relatively new to Thunderbird and the way it handles URLs is cumbersome. And this was an important email. Very frustrating to look like a scammer to someone I'm trying to pitch.
What is cumbersome about drag and drop or copy and paste? Please explain what is cumbersome.
I have issues with the insert link dialog box as it is just icky. But rarely do people actually use it as they just copy and paste or drag their links.
For 25 years I used a program that automatically created the link if you had the URL properly formatted. Cumbersome is relative.
Nita Sweeney, Author said
Cumbersome is relative.
Yes it is and I am asking for your reason why you think it is so. But hey, if you would not like to see change to make it less so don't tell me and I will not include it in things I may advocate for.
In my previous email I wrote, "For 25 years I used a program that automatically created the link if you had the URL properly formatted."
I send and receive 100s of emails each day. And I use a lot of links. Every time I have to cut and paste a link, it's a few seconds lost, a few precious seconds I could be writing.
To someone else, those seconds may seem like nothing. To me they are a waste, especially coming from a program where links were created automatically. That's why I said "cumbersome is relative." It is relative to the user's needs.
Also, do you have an answer to the original question in this thread?
Nita Sweeney, Author said
In my previous email I wrote, "For 25 years I used a program that automatically created the link if you had the URL properly formatted."
Have you tried typing say https://Thunderbird.net into an email and sending it? Or saving it to draft? Both things trigger the conversion of text to links process. Unlike some mail clients Thunderbird defers the conversion till after editing is complete so there is no need to know some arcane keystroke to correct a simple typo. Thunderbird does not guess, only converting expressly identified hyperlinks. So this.is not linked in Thunderbird but is on this forum and in some mail clients because it looks like a link.
Also, do you have an answer to the original question in this thread?
You have supplied a reply email from an Iphone [X-Mailer: iPhone Mail (19F77)] in plain text format. There is nothing in the posted text or headers to indicate Thunderbird has at any time been involved with the email.
Based on your other interactions it appears you may have initially "emailed" your subscribers from a site called substack. I know nothing of this particular provider of marketing tools, but as they offer all sorts of analytics I would guess they routinely replace URL's and redirect them.
When following the link in your posted RL_G3GrBQgw-cMilv1HB7tpBNdgCosh_HzenSnN8mjeDofO619M_G9evysd2CvLSAtookgcJICdl= lAVrYLw54ClGNUcgrSQORuZVje0ZWw_4O-KexcOTmdQyEyBBtI4Co4NgFkca3QRWi80_ej_aoO8D= fF8pqYf2Yi58_lWM4thb_0nkb7PWykxaVI-h1sRj40Q5lEu85pC2j_FD9_Ngf-yEoXXR_9-51tF-= wcUvATmVNac3GXxRBQ email it certainly redirects to a web site https://nitasweeney.com./v for which I receive connection errors as the site does not have a valid SSL/TLS encryption certificate for https://nitasweeney.com./ instead offering one for mail.stats.ph112.peopleshostshared.com, stats.ph112.peopleshostshared.com, www.stats.ph112.peopleshostshared.com
Making a connection directly via typing nitasweeney.com works as expected.
So do I have an answer? I guess I do. Your choice of host both for your subscriber posts and your web site are a problem it would appear. They use redirections and they just don't work well together. Although the redirection to a non existed sub page may be a typo in the original mail I do not have access to.
Not a Thunderbird issue is my answer.