Yahoo Page & All Yahoo News Content shown on Mozilla are different than IE It looks like Mozilla is Hijacked by Special Interest!
The Yahoo Page & All Yahoo News Content shown on Mozilla Yahoo opening page are very different than the Yahoo Page and News Content on Internet Explorer. It looks like Mozilla is Hijacked by Special Interest! The stories selected as the first page of Yahoo on Mozilla are very different from the stories on IE. And why is that? Others had told me about this, but I thought it is a Yahoo thing. But after checking Internet Explorer I found out that this is a Mozilla thing. Mozilla delieberately selects certain stories to display on the Yahoo opening page. So the question is who is in charge of Mozilla Yahoo Page Administrator. As an example on Mozilla Yahoo opening page there are at least 15 to 20 Iran and Russia stories, on a daily basis, mostly selected from Business Insider (An Extension of AIPAC - Israel Lobby).
It is disappointing to see Mozilla objectivity and integrity jeopordized so blatanly. Very soon every one will notice this conduct and will switch. Why should we entrust our personal information to a website which allows itself to be manipulated and serves as an extension of Special Interest.
All Replies (1)
Hi MaryFrm, Mozilla has worked with Yahoo on a new layout for the search results page, but I don't think there is a special Yahoo home page or Yahoo news page for Firefox users. Could you capture comparative screen shots of the pages that are different and attach them to a reply? I'm not sure whether you are logging into your Yahoo account when comparing but, if not, try using a private window in Firefox and an In Private window in IE so that the results are not personalized based on your browsing habits.
And of course, if you don't trust Yahoo, you can get your news from another site.