building FF
Good day to all Somebody collected Mozzilla Firefox under Win10?
Worth Win10Pro, x64
I try to collect FF, even start does not give I downloaded everything that I can Permissions to access the folder diskC program files X86, changed
At start-up, start-shell-msvc2015-x64 displays the following:
MozillaBuild Install Directory: C: \ mozilla-build \ Visual C ++ 2015 Directory: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC \ Windows SDK Directory: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows Kits \ 8.1 \
Unable to call a suitable vcvars script. Exiting.
To continue, press any key. . .
The script itself is located in C / Program Files (86) / Microsoft Visual Studio / Community / Common7 / Tools / vsdevcmd / ext, the security properties have already changed - gave access to everything that is, but I do not understand why the installer does not see it
All Replies (1)
I am not an expert in doing this, but I have found this article that should help you build you own copy of Firefox on Windows.