failure to capture fullscreen with obs in Firefox
Why after the last firefox update ....i cant record any page on firefox in fullscreen with OBS?
If im watching something on firefox and start to record window capture on OBS .....it doesnt record it.
But on chrome it works. I like firefox better and i nedd to solve this issue.
ps- disabling the acceleration option in firefox settings didnt help.
All Replies (4)
OBS - ?
This "OBS" ?? https://obsproject.com/
Yes ....that OBS.
The Open Broadcaster Software doenst record the image or video in firefox when you put a video in fullscreen.
Guys....one at the time, please.
Theres no need for this huge amount of replys. One solution is enough.
Sorry this topic is beyond my knowledge / skill set. One thing that I have observed forever is that I have never been able to take screenshots of Flash videos when Firefox is in Full Screen mode. And also other types of videos when there is a transparent overlay on the video player as with some static image formats to prevent the image from being copied via the screenshot service in Windows OS's. Never used Open Broadcaster Software so I not familiar with it and don't know about your issue with OBS changing in Quantum vs. Gecko versions of Firefox.
Lack of further responses might have to do with your query being beyond the scope of this forum. The vast majority of the support contributors here are other Firefox users and not developers.
Try asking in the Mozilla Developer Network's Stack Overflow page: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/firefox+or+firefox-os+or+html5-apps