garbage characters in body of message
I commonly get lots of garbage characters in place of common characters, such as " (quotation marks) ' (single quotes) and in place of double-spaces.
These characters appear whether the message was received from someone else or sent to myself.
I have set the character set to UDF-8; they still appear.
It’s amazingly similar to what Moseley et al. are saying! Your four aspects of intelligence—attention, intention, memory and imagination—are pretty much what these researchers are naming as strong factors in how pain is held and exacerbated, and how pain is diminished when the unconscious assumptions based on memory (what happened, how the injury has felt, etc.) and imagination (how I expect it to keep feeling like it does, how I imagine certain movements or activities will aggravate the pain, etc.) are realized and let go using attention and intention. (They don't describe it exactly as you do, but essentially that is what they are saying.)
It’s pretty cool that this understanding of how to break through the unconscious grip of chronic pain is emerging simultaneously and independently through various people. It has often been that way throughout history that breakthroughs arise together yet independently.
Meanwhile, I’m just about finishing the second cycle of U2 A-F (and back). I’m feeling a lot better and will probably start Unit 3 when I finish this cycle in about a week. Obviously, it’s not just the mental/emotional aspect that creates feelings of pain, but the actual structural/functional condition as well. I’m glad my SI joint is getting some caring attention.
Kindly help,
All Replies (1)
It occured to me too once, when I did a reboot it fixed my problem